Tech Notes

Git & GitHub for Beginners


This site is for beginners, to get started Click here.

More Resources

There are several sources of good information on Git and GitHub, but the best way to learn is by doing. When I started trying to learn about version control it was hard for me to wrap my head around it. So the first source I am going to share is a series of YouTube videos by The Coding Train that helped me understand it a little better, while keeping it fun.

Git and GitHub for Poets

GitHub is also a source of good information, including this:

Git & GitHub CheatSheet

Additional Commands:

To see hidden files, including your git repo type in:

dir /ah

Shows a log of commits for the current repo:

git log

To exit the git log you can type either "q" or "z"

Combine commands to be more efficient, two examples below:

add -A && git commit -m "message about commit"

Example 2

git init && git add -A && git commit -m "initial commit"

Definitions taken from GitHub:

  • git: an open source, distributed version-control system.
  • GitHub: a platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories.